🎭 Google Dorks for Bug Bounty 💠

 ðŸŽ­ Google Dorks for Bug Bounty 💠

A list of Google Dorks for Bug Bounty, Web Application Security, and Pentesting

### Broad domain search w/ negative search

> site:example.com -www-shop-share -ir -mfa

### PHP extension w/ parameters

> site:example.com ext: php inurl:?

Disclosed XSS and Open Redirects

> site:openbugbounty.org inurl: reports intext: "example.com"

### Juicy Extensions

> site: "example[.]com" ext:log | ext:txt | ext:conf | ext: cnf | ext:ini |

ext:env | ext:sh | ext:bak | ext:backup | ext:swp | ext:old | ext:~ | ext:git |

ext:svn | ext:htpasswd | ext: htaccess

### XSS prone parameters

> inurl:q= | inurl:s= | inurl: search= | inurl:query= | inurl: keyword= |

inurl:lang= inurl:& site:example.com

### Open Redirect prone parameters

> inurl:url= | inurl: return= | inurl: next= | inurl: redirect= | inurl:redir= |

inurl:ret= | inurl: r2= | inurl:page= inurl:& inurl:http site:example.com


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